Patch 1.2.0 (PC) - The case of the disappearing fuel

Hello again!

It's Rares from the bear team, with a small but important patch. We identified a couple of non-blocking, but annoying bugs that we've been working on, but couldn't validate through testing in time for the previous patch.

As a bit of insight into our thought-process, we want to try to limit our patching to those that:

  • Improve player experience, either through balance changes or bug fixes.

  • Has had enough time to be tested, so as to carry little to no risk of affecting current experience in a negative way (i.e. introduce new bugs, break something else in the process.

We could rush through some of the changes and push them slightly faster, but that brings a lot of risk and we need to find that balance between getting them out the door in a reasonable amount of time and testing enough so that, hopefully, we won't break anything in your existing game in the process.

That said, here's the small but sweet patch notes for ya:

4 AUG 2022 - 1.2.0 Patch Notes - Bear and Breakfast

Bugs and Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where Heaters would sometimes steal entire stacks of Fuel when opening the automation panel, even without making any changes.

  • Fixed a bug where Heaters would refresh their "Unfueled" icon when disabled in automation.

  • Fixed a bug where Winterberry Big Cabin outside pilons would create invisible barriers on the second floor, not allowing for proper building or passing through by Hank and Guests.

  • Fixed a bug where Wade would sometimes not properly calculate costs for each area independently, and instead base his cost on the current area the player was in, thus incorrectly taking Hank's coins.

  • Fixed a bug where unequipping items with a full inventory would sometimes not being caught by Lost and Found and being indeed more Lost than Found.

  • Fixed a bug where some Sound Effect levels would not be getting altered by the SFX volume control in the Options menu.

Patch 1.2.0 should work with all Save Game Sessions from the previous release version.
End of Patch notes.

We're still fixing existing issues as they come up, including trying hard to find causes for some of the more elusive ones. As we've done so far, we'll keep reading, watching and responding to you all as best we can. Thanks for being patient with us.

Thank u, love u
- Rares
